Sunday, August 31, 2008

ICT and The Learning Principles of the Primary School Curriculum.

Last Wedenesday lecture had given me an overview on the three approaches ways in using ICT in teaching and learning, the aims of ICT use in Primary School, the principles of learning and teaching and learning strategies using ICT. The understanding of the 17 principles of learning can assist teachers on deciding the suitable activities using ICT that match with the principles. One of the principles is collaborative learning. The suitable teaching and learning strategies using ICT are by using e-mail,video conferencing. The principles of learning are vital for teachers to enhance their teaching and learning as well as to ensure that the use of ICT is embedded in learning. As for me, the lecture had given me some knowledge that can help me to construct lesson activities for the assignment. It gave me ideas that children like something that can arouse their curiosity and familiar with them. They also like to explore things by themselves.