Sunday, August 31, 2008

ICT and The Learning Principles of the Primary School Curriculum.

Last Wedenesday lecture had given me an overview on the three approaches ways in using ICT in teaching and learning, the aims of ICT use in Primary School, the principles of learning and teaching and learning strategies using ICT. The understanding of the 17 principles of learning can assist teachers on deciding the suitable activities using ICT that match with the principles. One of the principles is collaborative learning. The suitable teaching and learning strategies using ICT are by using e-mail,video conferencing. The principles of learning are vital for teachers to enhance their teaching and learning as well as to ensure that the use of ICT is embedded in learning. As for me, the lecture had given me some knowledge that can help me to construct lesson activities for the assignment. It gave me ideas that children like something that can arouse their curiosity and familiar with them. They also like to explore things by themselves.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Interactive Whiteboard

I have read the article on "The use of interactive whiteboards in school". The article consists of four parts which started with the introduction of the technical things such as projector,screen, remote operation and sound systems. It gives the overall view on the use of those technical things and how to operate with it. I think is useful for me as i myself do not really familiar on how to operate with all those things. At least i have some theoretical background about it.
The second part of the article tells about software that can be used for interactive whiteboards which are "IWB operating software", the support tools, the generics tools, interactive programmes and remote access. In my point of view, before using the interactive whiteboard, it is really essential to have knowledge of all of this softwares so that we can produce the lesson smoothly and effectively.
The third part is about the five levels of interactivity. It can help teachers to determine the level of interactivity of their lesson and how to make sure that their lesson are interactive enough.
The last part is about the twelve teaching techniques. These teaching techniques are the teachniques that can be applied using the interactive whiteboards.Some of the techniques are hard to be used in a usual classroom but the interactive whiteboards allow the teachniques to be used and it can ensure effective teaching and learning process.
After reading this article it give me some guidelines on how to prepare a lesson using the interactive whiteboards.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Video Ever...

It is very exited to see my video in the youtube. I never thought of doing my own video and show it to the world. Even though the video is not superb as anyone else but i am satisfied and proud with myself. I have done my best and i think the video is a good starting for me. From nothing to something is suitable to describe about myself right now. I have learnt many things in the process of making the video. i have learnt to use the Windows Movie Maker software and also the softskills such as time management and leadership. Even though i make the video myself but team work is also essential as the group members who are helping me to give comments about the video and teaching me in using the software. In a nutshell, this assignment is very interesting and it can be a first step for me to be a techno savvy. ^_ ^

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Smartest Board of All..

Smart board is not alien anymore among us. This is the second time Fenny give us explaination on the application of the smart board..Everybody seems very tired after staying all night long last night finishing their video assignment. However, Feeny has succeed to wake us up with the amazingness of the smart board. This time around, she shows us the new version of smartboard software which is more sophisticated. In my opinion, smart board is really useful for us as teachers. It helps us to create interactive and interesting lesson. Children will really love the activities using the smart board. I hope that all schools in Malaysia will have smart board in thier school at least one so that what we have learnt today can be applied.